Sunday, July 14, 2013

Simple House Cleansing & Protection Spell

You will love this one, because all it requires is some sage and some ordinary table salt. Sea salt tends to last longer as you may need to reapply your protection ring from time to time and continue to cleanse your home or space regularly when negative energy is allowed to enter by its inhabitants.

Simple Sage Cleansing Ritual

Make sure to open your windows and doors, if possible and be prepared for your cats to go insane if you have any, because they get cooky when you burn sage so be sure they have something cool to play with. A ball of string is a super choice!

Opening your windows and doors allows for negative energy and vibrations to exit and more easily facilitates your cleansing ritual, letting in sunshine, air, and positive energy flow in your space.

Optionally, you can burn white and/or blue candles for purity, peace, and serenity while you perform this ritual or after, or at any time you need tranquility to enter, also.

Begin by using a sage bundle or loose sage, which you can house on an ordinary plate, or if you wish a sage burning shell, which adds a nice touch.

Walk your quarters or home with your bundle of sage or sage vessel, containing your loose sage leaves and be sure to uninvite negative energy by sternly asking it to leave, never to return.

Be certain that the smoke from the sage enters the corners of your rooms to smooth out any negative vibrations coming forth and invading your serene space.

Covering every room will help cleanse the negativity from your home and invite in positive energy. Think in with the good, out with the bad as your mantra. I know it sounds silly, but it works.

Simple Protection Spell

When you feel that you have adequately cleansed your home and the smell of the sage is still present, take your salt, whether it is sea salt or ordinary table salt as salt is a purifying substance from the sea that seals in healthy and happy energy and vibes, and salt your doorways and windows if you wish.

You can also put a perimeter in salt around your home if you want to be super thorough. You can even salt your mailbox if you want to, symbolically creating positive contact by mail or by phone.

Your salt perimeter should help to keep out negative energy and those horrible psychic vampires who suck out your positive energy and infuse your home with bad vibrations.

Be sure to repeat this ritual if negative energy gets loose again or after arguments and bad feelings between those in your space.
Items You Will/May Need
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